27 August 2024

How to Prevent Breakouts: Tips for Clear Skin


Acne breakouts can be a frustrating and confidence-damaging experience for many people. However, with the right skincare routine and habits, it is possible to prevent breakouts and achieve clear, healthy skin. In this post, we will discuss some effective tips and strategies to help you prevent breakouts and maintain clear skin.

Some key points to prevent breakouts include cleansing your skin regularly, avoiding harsh and abrasive products, moisturizing regularly, staying hydrated, eating a balanced diet, and avoiding touching your face with dirty hands. Additionally, using non-comedogenic products, incorporating exfoliation into your routine, and managing stress levels can also help prevent breakouts and promote clear skin.

Cleansing The Skin does 2 things for you when you have acne.

1.  Cleanses bacteria and the enviornment off the skin and ensures you are not transferring that to your bedding and rolling around in it all night.  It also helps to combat  spreading more bacteria around the face during the day.

2.  Cleansing helps clear off sticky skin and sebum before it gets trapped in the pore. While cleansing can was those dead skin cells and oil away, its not a bullet proof way to combat your acne.  This is a multifaceted approach and cleansing is only one step to progress.

3. It creates a clean slate for other products to penetrate better.  We want to have less sebum and dead skin on the surface of the face, back or chest to ensure your active products are getting to the heart of your acne without a ton of barriers in the way.


Avoiding Harsh Ingredients like Tretioin (Retinol), antibiotics, manual exfoliants and harsh acids can ensure you are not over drying the skin and killing beneficial bacteria.  Netiher of these ingredients are helpful long term for acne and in many cases cause more harm to our overall wellbeing than good. 

Treinion is a harsh medication usually prescribed for anti-aging and acne.  It is a prescription, although there are less harsh Vitamin A ingredients that are not Rx, and can go as deep as the dermis where it ultimatly thins the skin.  This is a problem becuase the skin will have a hard time holding on to moisture, we call this transepidermal water loss (TEWL), and can over dry the skin causing more sebum production and in turn more acne.  TEWL can also effect overall cellular function.  A dry thin skin with little moisture is not a healthy functioning skin and is surely causing premature aging.

Antibiotics can wreak havok on skin and body long term.  Antibiotics destroy the skins important microbiome and can decimate the good guys as well as the bad guys (although, the balance of good and bad bacteria are important so they both are necessary in a harmonic balance to ensure a healthy skin).  Antibiotics do not single out "bad" bacteria, in this case C. Acnes, so they really cause a big problem with long term imbalance of the skin wich can also effect the gut flora as well.  Antibiotic use is also effecting everyine in the users household and everyone taking and around a user of antibiotics has a weaker microbiome and immune system and is more likely to develop respritory infections.  Usually, clients taking antibiotics for acne are taking low dose antibiotics over a longer course or using a topical antibiotic over a longer term.  Both of these can have implications on the skin and gut microbiome which impacts the bodys ability to fight bad bacteria and infections as well as detox the body and ensure harmful toxins are not passing into the blood.  The primary issue with antibiotic use for acne is that the bacteria causing your pimples are not the problem.  The problem is inflamation and sebum caused by a sensitive DHT receptor.  So, antibiotics are treating a syptom and not the root cause.

Manual Exfoliants are those that have granuals in them are not the best choice, especially if your acne is red and inflammed and painful.  Theese are usually too harsh for acne and can cause dehydration, more inflammation and over exfoliate the skin in general.  

Staying Hydrated and Moisturized is super important when you have acne.  Keeing the cells hydrated through out the clearing process can help the skin function and heal a lot faster.  A hydrated cell is a healthy cell.  Staying hydrated and drinking to thirst can keep your cells functioning well but also keeping the skin hydrated on the outside can be just as important.  Lock moisture in after each cleanse to ensure you are helping the skin function and heal.

Eating a Healthy Diet can do wonders for acne.  Afterall the gut is the second brain (in my opinion its the first brain).  Much of the food we eat can contribute to a healthy gut microbiome and functioning of our digestive system.  These things can also have a huge impact on our hormones which is a large reason why we get acne.  Ensuring sugar intake is low to avoid bad bacterias getting out of control and keeping non-organic food out of the diet to ensure pesticides are not causing harm on your gut microbiome.  This can also directly affect your moods and stress levels.

Keeping Stress Under Control is an important part of reducing inflammation and a chronic fight or flight response in the body.  If you are chronically stressed out this can lead to all sorts of disease and is a major contributing factor for chronic inflammation, illness, hormonal issues, weight gain, sleep issues... The list goes on.  All those can flip the switch in our genetics that can lead to acne.

Face Touching is a common issue for most people, especially those that work at a desk.  This is an issue for acne clients especially becuase they love to squeeze lesions and can end up doing this sub-consiously with dirty hands which spread bacteria from their hands around the skin but also spread acne bacteria around their skin.  This can contribute to worsining acne.

Preventing breakouts and achieving clear skin is possible with the right skincare routine and habits. By following these few simple tips such as regular cleansing, using non-comedogenic products, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can keep breakouts at bay and enjoy clear, healthy skin. Remember to be consistent with your routine and listen to your skin's needs to achieve optimal results.  Your esthetician can guide you in your home care products and any road blocks you may encounter.  They are there for you to lean on during the roller coaster clearing process.  Its important to ensure you are seeing a trained acne specialist and following their directions closely so you can get your skin clear quickly.


Danielle Roper owns Derma Lab in Colorado Springs and is a Holistic Esthetician in specializing in Acne Skincare.

Danielle is a licensed esthetician in the state of Colorado and owner of Derma Lab. She is a Face Reality Certified Acne Specialist and has been in the industry since 2007.  Danielle has worked in spas & medi spas, and has been trained in chemical peels, microdermabrasion, microneedling and Sciton Laser Systems. Nothing here is meant to be medical advice.



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